
Eating problems

If you need help managing eating behaviours, try these tips:

  1. If there are behavioural problems around mealtime, try to figure out the trigger so you can avoid it – is it a particular food? Time of day? The way things are done?
  2. Let your loved one direct their diet but see if you can substitute healthier options less healthy ones (fruit instead of sweets).
  3. Limit the amount of unhealthy snack foods in the house.
  4. Serve smaller portions on smaller plates or bowls so that they look larger.
  5. Try nutritional drinks to supplement a less varied diet (ask your health care team for suggestions).
  6. If chewing and swallowing become difficult, consult your health care team about pureed foods and thickened liquids that might be easier to manage.
  7. If you have a meal with friends, prepare them in advance, so that you do not feel embarrassed. You will be surprised how understanding some friends can be.

Eating Problems